
Behind the Scenes - Representative Aaron Kaufer

Last Updated: Sep 8, 2022



A native of the Wyoming Valley, Representative Aaron Kaufer had a keen interest in balanced budgets and the economy. After graduating from Lafayette College with degrees in Political Theory and International Economics, the international economic sector had shrunk significantly. Job opportunities became available in foreign countries to help import jobs, but Kaufer knew those were opportunities he had to pass on.

“I could have moved to China become a job importer to bring US jobs to China, but – knowing the area I grew up and wanting our economy to be strong at home – that was something I just couldn’t do,” Kaufer said.

Watching the federal debt ceiling negotiations with his father in 2011, Kaufer recalls feeling disappointed when a deal to balance the national budget fell apart. This turned out to be an important conversation for his political future. After being challenged by his dad to “do something about it,” Kaufer first ran for office in 2012 and was elected to the House in 2014.

In the 2021-2022 session, Representative Kaufer serves on many committees, including the House Professional Licensure Committee. Previously, Representative Kaufer spent over 3 terms on the Health Committee. Between these two committee assignments, Kaufer has had plenty of experience working on issues affecting physicians and their patients.

“At the end of the day, it’s about the doctor-patient relationship and making sure that people are taken care of, getting the healthcare access that they need, and getting it at an affordable rate,” Kaufer said. “I enjoy working with places – like the Pennsylvania Medical Society – to make sure that we’re taking care of the people who are taking care of people day in and day out.”

Representative Kaufer often hears from interest groups with thoughts on legislation that is being proposed in Pennsylvania. His advice on helping to make the message stick? Make it local.

“I always think its helpful to bring someone locally from the district, help put a face to a name,” Kaufer said. “Having a local face is key to remembering who we represent. It’s not always these groups in Harrisburg, it’s someone back home in Forty Fort, Pennsylvania.”

Outside of the Capitol, Representative Kaufer enjoys spending time with his family, including his daughter who was welcomed into the world in 2021. Representative Kaufer also enjoys being with his brother, Dr. Seth Kaufer, who currently serves on the PAMPAC Board.

To learn more about Representative Aaron Kaufer, visit his website

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