PAMED Applauds Governor Shapiro’s Inclusion of Programs for Medical Debt Relief in the 2024-2025 Budget Address

Last Updated: Feb 6, 2024

The Pennsylvania Medical Society (PAMED) applauds Governor Shapiro in his 2024-2025 Budget Address that would establish a Medical Debt Relief Program for Pennsylvanians. This program aims to relieve Pennsylvanians of burdensome medical debt for residents and improves the finances of health care institutions and providers to continue to provide the necessary care to Pennsylvanians in need.

PAMED President, Kristen Sandel, MD said, “PAMED recognizes how devastating the financial burden of medical debt can be to Pennsylvania residents. I applaud this effort. PAMED continues to be a champion of equal access to health care for all patients in Pennsylvania.”

Additionally, PAMED encourages the Governor to increase the funding for the Primary Care Loan Repayment Program which provides loan forgiveness for physicians and other health care workers who agree to practice for two years in rural or underserved communities.

PAMED remains an advocate for this program and was instrumental in having it included in last year’s state budget. PAMED looks forward to continuing to work with the Governor’s office on future endeavors.


Media Contact:

Myla Merkel

Pennsylvania Medical Society

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