
F. Wilson Jackson, III, MD
173rd President

Dr. Wilson Jackson is a gastroenterologist practicing in Central Pennsylvania and has been a member of the Pennsylvania Medical Society for over 20 years. He has served as a Medical Specialties Trustee and Vice Chair on the Board of Trustees and is a long time PAMPAC and Foundation contributor. He truly looks forward to serving as president beginning January, 2023.

Practicing in an independent gastroenterology practice, he has learned a little bit about the intersecting economic forces impacting patient care and practice management. Which is why he plans to focus on the unique position physicians hold in what has become a majority sector of our economy during his presidency.

Dr. Jackson believes that physicians need to be central to the inevitable changes and efforts that have and will continue to come to contain health care costs.

He believes that physicians need to play a pivotal role in this dialogue, but data has shown that often, physicians feel their efforts to contain costs are imposed upon them with the perception that they are part of the problem rather than the solution.

In order for physicians to be heard – regardless if it is in regard to cost containment, good patient care, or standing up for their own wellness – physicians must remain engaged and work on expanding their voices throughout their communities and health care systems.

Join us in 2023 as we explore the various opportunities for physicians to become the leaders we all need in the health care arena.


Dr. F. Wilson Jackson will begin his tenure as PAMED’s 173rd president on January 1, 2023.

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Read the book that inspired Dr. Jackson to pursue his presidential initiative to encourage physicians to take a leadership role in their profession.

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