PAMED Special Section Forums
Great topics! Peer to peer networking! Insights into Current Topics!
PAMED’s special sections are providing forums for all members to come together virtually to discuss a specific topic, network, and get to know one another. All from the comfort of your office, easy chair, or on the move!
Check back often as new topics are added!

Have an idea for a forum topic? Tell us about it!

  All Members Welcome!👋 

Restoring the Joy in Practicing Medicine

Did you miss the discussion on April 30 with PAMED President Dr. Kristen Sandel as she spoke on her initiative of Working to Restore the Joy in Practicing Medicine.

Rediscover the joy and satisfaction that comes from healing and helping others. Let’s bring back the heart in healthcare together! 

Sponsored by: The Residents and Fellows Section (RFS)

Political Advocacy

Did you miss the discussion on May 30 on Political Advocacy, using your voice and fueling your passion for change.

Join us as we navigate the world of politics and learn how to effectively advocate for the causes that matter to you. Let’s shape the future together! 

Sponsored by: The International Medical Graduate Section (IMGS)


Rewatch our discussion about contracts and salary data with Kyle Claussen, CEO of PAMED’s partner, Resolve. Thousands of physicians utilize Resolve’s data, tools, and expertise each year to ensure they are being treated fairly in their employment contracts. Bring your questions and start your career off the right way.

Sponsored by: The Residents and Fellows Section (RFS) and the Early Career Physicians Section (ECPS)

Becoming Involved in the Practice of Our Profession

“Becoming Involved in the Practice of Our Profession” is more than an event, it’s a stepping stone towards a more engaged and fulfilling career.

This is your opportunity to connect with peers, learn from leaders, and discover how you can make a significant impact in the field of medicine.

Sponsored by: The Medical Students Section (MSS)

Kristen Sandel, MD Presidential Initiative - Joy In Medicine
AmeriTrust Connect
GRC Leaderboard
Merchant Advocate
Panacea Ad
Safety Ace
How White Coats Work
DEA Regulations